The group coordinated by Prof. Gloria Pelizzo supports a number of translational research lines for the development of regenerative processes to support surgery of congenital malformative diseases, particularly pulmonary and urinary tract.
Carriers for taylored surgery for pediatric oncologic diseases are studied. Identification of new molecular targets, biomarkers may support more precise diagnosis and personalized therapy in inflammation-based diseases and aging outcome.
Nano-carriers such as surgical instruments, techniques or devices designed to improve pediatric surgeries are studied.
The group, focused its studies on translational research as an indispensable goal to bridge the gap between basic research and clinical application in pediatric surgery.
In particular, molecular mechanisms useful in regenerative therapies of congenital malformative disorders are being researched. Strands of research include:
- The development of innovative therapies from the identification of new molecular targets or pathways involved in pediatric oncological and inflammatory diseases;
- personalization of care through the identification of biomarkers useful for taylored care (greater efficacy and fewer side effects);
- The evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of new surgical instruments, techniques and devices intended to support surgery;
- The development of innovative surgery supported by the use of biomaterials inhabited by stem cells and their derivatives for the treatment of the most complex congenital malformations;
- researching the development of the malformation in utero and interfering with its natural history to improve its prognosis through increasingly less invasive methods that can be applied prenatally.
The group can offer basic research for clinical applications to improve the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of pediatric surgical conditions, depending on application to techniques commonly used in clinical practice.

- Molecular biology;
- DNA and RNA sequencing;
- proteomics;
- flow cytometry;
- Cell cultures and organoids;
- in vitro models;
- in vitro models;
- Biomedical imaging (virtual reality);
- Biomedical imaging (virtual reality);
- Biobank sample collection.
The integration of basic research techniques with application in daily clinical practice plays a key role in the development of personalized therapies and the advancement of clinical practice.
Access to the services of the research laboratory requires approval of a project submitted to the Scientific Committee of the Research Center.